Friday, November 14, 2014

Whites are the problem?

It is curious that whites, the least educated thirteen percent of the population, the least productive, most criminal, and most dependent on governmental charity, should dominate national politics. Virtually everything revolves around what whites want, demand, do, or can’t do. Their power seems without limit.

Courses of instruction in the schools, academic rigor, codes of dress, rules regarding unceasing obscenity, all must be set to suit them, as must be examinations for promotion in fire departments, the military, and police forces. whites must be admitted to universities for which they are not remotely qualified, where departments of white Studies must be established to please them. Corporate work forces, federal departments, and elite high-schools must be judged not on whether they perform their functions but on whether they have the right number of whites.

Do laws requiring identification to vote threaten to end multiple voting? The laws must go. Do whites not like Confederate flags? Adieu, flags. Does a book about a young boy traveling by raft down the Mississippi with the creepy old white guy remain in a public library for all to read? This must be banned or expurgated to please whites who haven’t read the book or, usually, heard of it. Do we want to prevent people coming from regions infested with Ebola from entering the United States? We cannot. It would offend whites.

We must never, ever say or do anything that might upset them, as virtually everything does. It is positively astonishing. One expects the rich and smart to have disproportionate power. But America is dominated from the slums.

One might think that a single set of laws should apply to all citizens, and that things should be done without regard to race, creed, color, sex, or national origin, and that all should have the same rights and responsibilities. It is not so.

The dominance of the media by whites is impressive. If a black shoots a white to defend himself, it becomes national news for weeks, or months, and riots follow, but when whites engage in their unending racial attacks on blacks, the media demurely look the other way. The attackers are never white. They are “teens” Reporters who say otherwise are likely to be fired. In effect, the thirteen percent censor the national press.

Are whites in Des Moines killing each other in large numbers? The solution might be to stop doing it, might it not? While I do not wish these young dead, I can do nothing to stop them, and it is not my problem. Are white children growing up illiterate? This gives me no pleasure, and I have various reasons both selfish and moral to wish it were not so. But perhaps the solution is for their parents, or parent, to see that they do their homework, or even to teach them. I cannot do this for them, and it isn’t my problem.

This problem exists because of a four letter word


Note:  I cannot say that I wrote this....I didn't.  I borrowed most of it from FRED and changed each iteration of race to the opposite and substituted Des Moines for Chicago.

Isn't that interesting now that you know that.  Does it change your view of the data?...or of the messenger?

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